
Sometimes, it's the little things in life that are the most important.  Having that caring someone pop in throughout the week to say hello, see how you are and share the good times with is what life is all about.

Lothian Companions is a perfect solution for anyone who doesn't necessarily need care.  However, they would benefit from regular visits from a friendly face who has an active and genuine interest in their wellbeing.  

Companionship can support your loved one to take part in activities, such as crosswords, jigsaws, gardening, accessing the internet.   The list is not exhaustive and we will ensure that our assessment is thorough and appropriate as well as person centred.

Companionship may involve just popping in for a chat over a cup of tea however, we can also provide support with tasks such as:

  • Laundry
  • Meal preparation
  • Ironing
  • Cleaning
  • Caring for pets
  • errands such as shopping, collecting prescriptions and help with arranging appointments.


Sitter Service

The sitter service provides the opportunity for family members and friends who are carer's of loved ones to take a break.  The sitter provides companionship and support and can participate in a range of pastimes and activities or just be there for the cared person.

Benefits of companionship

  • Greater wellbeing
  • Maintain active interests and social networks in your community
  • Less loneliness and isolation
  • Engaging conversation
  • Reassurance for yourself and family members
  • Confidence to do the things you love

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